Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dean reflection and responce on the article

Dean's visit I thought was really interesting, because with Ed leg's visit I felt that deans was more informative in a way. I realize that yes he tried to find ways out of answering specific questions, but overall the information that he did share with us I found to be interesting. The one thing that really annoyed me was the fact the he wasn't always exactly honest when it came to answering questions. I wonder if he just assumed that we didn't have a lot of knowledge with the election so he used that to his advantage, but either way it was informative. The only question that I felt kind of worrisome about was the power plan question. I felt that yes he did agree with the thought of more nuclear power plant use, but wither he meant just in other states, or possibly in time here in Maine.

Article Responce: I personally agree that if we were to have a novice governer it might be better in a way, because they are young in the government and dont have the long years of people telling them how to do things and how to change their views. WIth someone new chances are is that they have done their research because knowing that their new to this they want to make sure they have some sort of power abovve the others. I'm not saying that having a very experienced wouldnt be a good idea, I just know that sometimes the inexperienced person might be the more experienced one when they get their time to show it.

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