Friday, October 24, 2008

After watching this film. I realized how careful and conscientious you have to be about almost everything you do. Not only regarding politics, but everything since its so easy to trick the minds of other people with the right connections. I thought that the fact that this happened to the people of Florida in 2000 was horrible and it should have never happened. The fact of the election was undermined should be enough for anyone to see how wrong this was, but It didn't work for most people. I'm glad to know that the state of Maine uses paper ballots instead of the touch screen ballots to vote. Just knowing that you're vote is on a piece of technology would make me uncomfortable thinking that someone could mess with the touch device. I'm not aware of which states if any use the touch devices to vote, but I'm glad to know that Maine uses paper. I'm sure that's reassuring to many state citizens.

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